Welcome folks

Hello people of the internet! If you’re reading this, you have probably been directed here by Yours Truly or my dear Father, Stacy of stacysublett.com. 

Well given the circumstance, you’re here. So let me give you some key information:

  1. I am the daughter of two loving parents, the sister to six crazy siblings, a friend to many wonderful people, and (in the words of Matthew West) a Child of The One True King.
  2. I take my faith very seriously, and love God more than anything else. Hence this blog. I want to give people a personal look in on living life as a Christian through of one of the world’s worst creations- HIGH SCHOOL.
  3. Outside of church, I am a die-hard thespian. I’ve done a lot of backstage stuff recently, but I’ve been performing since the ripe age of five.
  4. I love to sing and write also. My good friend and I have been working on a lot of new things recently-including worship music, covers, and originals. 
  5. I am a serious abuser of the power rested in me called Netflix. (How I Met Your Mother season 8 is finally released!) Okay, that one isn’t something y’all needed to know about my blog, but if you know me at all, you’ll know that Netflix is all I do once my homework is finished.

So yeah, that’s a first look to my blog! I plan on writing at least three times a week, if not everyday. So please, come back!

Let me leave you with one thing, it may seem like I’ve got everything together, but believe me, I life is far from perfect. But living in Christ makes things much easier.  

8 thoughts on “Welcome folks

  1. So excited to follow your life through this new adventure! You are amazing and I am so blessed to be your mom! What an exquisite gift you are to me! God is good. Shine on!

  2. Excited for you on your new blog – looking forward to watching you grow even more, from the little girl at the Autoport pool to a stunning young lady with a huge heart

  3. You are a treasure, Lilly and sharing your honest heart here on your blog is intensely brave and delightfully refreshing! You have always walked to the beat of a different drum – I remember how you used to want to help me “run” kidZ conneXion instead of “go” to kidZ conneXion. 🙂 Praying you find your voice in Christ and shout it from the mountain tops … or from your blog posts. Hugs to you amazing girl! – Mrs. Jameson

  4. Hi Lilly I knew your Mom and Dad before Children when they were living in Derry Pa and your Dad was the awesomest Youth Pastor ever. I have known your mom most of my life and she is a wonderful woman of God who has pointed me to the love, mercy, forgiveness and grace of Jesus Christ the entire time I have known her. Your Dad showed me The God I never knew existed and I am now in Religious Studies at Messiah College. You are truly blessed and how blessed your parent’s are to have such a beautiful and talented Daughter. Tell your Mom and Dad ” H ” Says Hello.

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